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Monday, May 10, 2010

Detroit tigers boys of summer

I have just started a site on ning entitled Detroit tigers boys of summer. it is gogetumtigers.ning.com. Please check it out and become a memeber so we can chat about baseball and the tigers.


  1. Hey, when you posted your NING site you dropped an "s" - http://gogetumtigers.ning.com/

    See you there.

  2. How are the Tigers doing? I miss going to their games...:(

  3. They are doing ok. you should join my site! I lived in North Carolina for a year and it was hard to seeing the games.

  4. Love the Tigers! After dropping my season tickets to the Lions (disappointment after disappointment) I am going to watch more baseball this year. :)

  5. Yes I am a Lion's fan, but it is dissapointing. Join my page. gogetumtigers.ning.com
