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Saturday, May 8, 2010

I am a twitterer

Social Networking 3

For this assignment, I decided to investigate Twitter. I have heard a lot of information about twitter from the radio, television, and acquaintances. I have never been on twitter, or even looked at what it was. It was my understanding that it is similar to facebook, in that you post items throughout the day to let followers know what you are up to.
I have just joined Twitter. I am now going to decide who I would like to follow. This is all new to me, so it will be interesting to see how this all works.
The joining process was not to difficult. I did have to choose a few different user names. I am not a member, and can begin my adventures in twittering. I just now have to find some celebrities and friends to follow. I have been looking at the site, and it seems to be pretty user friendly. I am going to investigate how to follow people. Stay tuned for updates. My twitter name is tigger042571 if you care to follow me.


  1. I tried looking up tigger042571 on Twitter but had no luck. Can you confirm the username please.

  2. I just went back on it and it is tigger042571. I will check it out again for you Dr. Mcvey
